
Creativity = Learning

Sep 16, 2016 By Kim Wierman, Director, FIRST LEGO® League & FIRST LEGO® League Jr.


When a student’s education is inhibited by the constructs of lectured learning, their creativity suffers. Creativity lends itself to confidence and spontaneity, both crucial elements for a child’s future success.Creativity = Learning

While creativity isn’t easily embraced by all students, it’s certainly important: an Adobe study found that college-educated professionals were surprised at the levels of creativity required in their jobs, and math and science fields ranked nearly as high as traditional subjects in contributing to creative thinking.

Quick Tip: One of the most organic ways to boost students’ creativity is to encourage teamwork. They’ll learn from each other, recognize there is no one right answer and then combine their experiences and ideas to create something mind-blowing.  




Graphic by Krissy Venosdale. Krissy is the Innovation Coordinator at The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas. You can see all her work at and @krissyvenosdale on Twitter and Instagram.

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