
The Power of Collaboration to Lead to Deeper Learning

Feb 28, 2017 By Jenny Pieratt, PhD, founder and President, CraftED



Team working together
One of the many reasons I love PBL (project based learning) is that it provides so many opportunities for students to develop skills they need to be successful in life. Collaboration is a great example. Project work often requires students to work together through a process, problem, or product design and creation, making collaboration commonplace in project-based classrooms. And effective collaboration is one of the highly prized skills of deeper learning like PBL, leading to better communication and enhanced critical thinking and creativity.

Chances are if you are reading this blog you are pretty sold on “the why” of student collaboration. “The how” is another matter. Simply setting up working groups will not necessarily lead to effective collaboration and equitable learning for all students – picking teams is a long way from being a winning team!

To find out more, including the power of protocols and tips for your craft – read the full post here.


Jenny Pieratt, PhD is the founder and President of CraftED. She previously was a founding staff member at High Tech High North County and served as a School Development Coach at New Tech Network. She is currently a National Faculty Member of Buck Institute of Education and remains active in the spreading of deeper learning practices and the #pdrevolution. To learn more about her and her work visit or follow her on Twitter (@jennypieratt).

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