Drive Base & Black Tote Opt Out Opens

Date: Thursday, May 17, 2023

Time: 12:00pm (noon) Eastern Time


Drive Base Opt Out

Veteran teams, once your team is ‘event ready,’ can do the drive-base-or-voucher selection. A team is “event ready” if there are two Youth Protection Program screened mentors and no outstanding tasks on your dashboard. If you are not familiar with this concept or need a refresher, veteran teams can decide to not get the standard drive base in exchange for a $450 AndyMark voucher (available when other pre-Kickoff vouchers are released in November 2023). The drive base kit is designed to allow a team to execute basic elements of 2024 game play and can be assembled by a small team in about six hours or less.

Important note: the default condition is for the drive base is to ship with each Kickoff Kit, so if you’re a rookie team or a veteran team that wants the drive base kit, there’s nothing for you to do. If you want the AndyMark voucher instead, you must make take this action by the deadline. Drive Base Opt Out closes on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 12:00pm (noon) Eastern Time.


Black Tote Opt Out

We’ve expanded the above concept to also apply to the Black Tote (formerly known as the “Everyone Tote”), which for Veteran teams and along with the Drive Base Kit, is most of the Kickoff Kit. Veteran teams are invited to opt out of the Black Tote in exchange for $250 in vouchers ($125 to REV Robotics and $125 to AndyMark). All teams will receive a "Season Specifics," regardless of their drive base/Black Tote selections.

Important note: the default condition is for the black tote to ship with each Kickoff Kit, so if you’re a rookie team or a veteran team that wants the black tote, there’s nothing for you to do. If you want the vouchers instead, you must make take this action by the deadline. Black Tote Opt Out closes on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 12:00pm (noon) Eastern Time.

If you have any questions, please contact


Event Date

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 12:00pm

Event Category

Event Program