Event Preference System Aug. 6 2024| 0 KB

Content Type: FIRST Robotics Competition
Tags: Event Preparation, Events, Registration

FIRST Robotics Competition Event Preferencing

FIRST Robotics Competition uses a preferencing system for teams selecting the events they want to attend. The preference-based system is intended to make event slot distribution fairer and more convenient for teams. 

Under this system, all FIRST Robotics Competition teams have one week to enter their ranked event preferences in the system. They will be able to enter and rank as many or as few eligible events as they like. There will be no advantage or disadvantage to entering preferences early or late, as long as preferences are in by the deadline. Also, teams will be able to change their preferences as often as they like before the deadline. After the deadline, a lottery is run and teams who entered preferences are either placed in an event or waitlisted. This process is used for both first and second round event selection. Some Districts use a process called the "home event system," the User Guide below lists how that process works. 

Review the User Guide below for more details plus a step-by-step walkthrough and the FAQ to help answer any questions you may have. 

Event Preferencing User Guide

Event Preferencing FAQ

List of Events


Event Preferencing Timeline

All deadlines are noon, Eastern, unless otherwise noted. 

FIRST Robotics Competition Team Registration Opens: The Team Registration System allows Teams to create a new or update an existing Team Profile. May 15, 2024
First Event Registration - Round 1 Preference: All rookie and veteran teams are able to select events to preference for their 1st Regional Event or 1st District Event for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition Season. Sep. 26 - Oct. 3, 2024
First Late Registration Opens: First Late Registration opens for any team who did not participate in the first round preference. This allows teams to select available events for their first event only.  Oct. 4, 2024
Second Event Registration - Round 2 Preference: All rookie and veteran teams are able to select events to preference for their 2nd Regional Event or 2nd District Event for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition Season. Oct. 17-24, 2024
Second Late Registration Opens: Second Late Registration opens for any team who did not participate in the second round preference. This allows teams to select available events for their second event. Oct. 25, 2024
Additional In-District Event Registration Opens: District teams may register for an additional In-District event. Oct. 31, 2024
Unrestricted Regional Event Registration Opens: All teams are able to select and register for any Regional Event. Oct. 31, 2024
Additional Inter-District Registration Opens: District teams are eligible to register for any open spots in other Districts. Nov. 7, 2024
Event Registration Closes Nov. 12, 2024
Payment Due for Initial Event Registration Nov. 12, 2024