MySites & Surrogate Kit Pick-Up Information May. 10 2024| 0 KB

Content Type: FIRST Robotics Competition
Tags: Game/Challenge, Registration, Robot Kit


If a team is not attending a local Kickoff, they have the option to be a “MySite” team and have their Kickoff Kit shipped, after Kickoff, to an address of their choice. The shipping fee is a flat ground or air rate (depending on the team’s location). The MySite fee for the 2025 season will be coming soon. 

* Please note that international teams are responsible for any customs fees and taxes.


Surrogate Kit Pick-Up

If a team is unable to pick up its Kickoff Kit at the local kickoff selected, an alternate team may be designated to do so. The team unable to attend must be registered to pick up their Kickoff Kit at the local kickoff AND provide FIRST with an authorized surrogate kit pick-up letter, submitted/signed by the lead coach/mentor 1 or 2 or team administrator: 1) Your team number 2) the Kickoff location 3) the name and team number (if applicable) of the surrogate picking up the Kickoff Kit. All surrogate kit pickup letters must be received at FIRST by December 31, 2024.

For More Information
Please contact FIRST Team Support at 800-871-8326, extension "0" for general questions, or e-mail