FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Kit of Parts Survey, Public Leaderboard, and Score Calculator

Mar 22, 2021 Written by Frank Merrick, Director FIRST Robotics Competition




Kit of Parts Survey

We need your help! Every season we ask teams to complete surveys about their Kit of Parts experience to help us improve the program. The survey is open now and closes this Friday, March 26th at 5pm ET. Please fill it out if you are able. The current response rate is lagging prior years, and we want to make sure the data we gather is truly representative of the FRC community.

Public Leaderboard

Once you save a score in the INFINITE RECHARGESM at Home Skills Competition, it is added to the public leaderboards you can find here. Just click on your group, then ‘Qualification Rankings’ to see those scores. Updates to the leaderboards are batched, so new scores won’t show immediately but they do update a few times a day. Please note that you can update and save your scores as many times as you wish until you submit and lock your final score.

As a reminder, your team must click the Submit and Lock button by the deadline of April 8 at 3PM Eastern Time for your scores to be counted.

Score Calculator

Want to know how your INFINITE RECHARGE at Home Skills Competition scores match up with theoretical scores from other teams? Check out this calculator! You will need to enter the scores from the other teams yourself, but you might find the results of the calculation useful.

Good luck once again to all teams on their interviews!


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