FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Event Assignment Issues

Sep 28, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

We found a bug in the software that was used today to assign teams to events. I apologize for this. Approximately 5% of teams were not assigned the correct event.

We kept the lottery numbers teams had been assigned during the first run of this process and re-ran the process with the bug corrected. We then compared the first-run results with what the results would have been if the bug had not been present.

The majority of the teams affected would have been assigned to events higher on their preference lists. A handful would have been assigned to events lower on their preference lists.

We will be making no changes to teams who would have been assigned an event lower on their preference list.

We are currently reviewing the data for teams that would have been assigned an event higher on their preference list if the bug had not been present. We intend to work to find space at the events those teams should have been assigned to and offer those slots to teams. As we expect some teams may be fine with staying at the event where they are currently assigned, we will be making no re-assignments without permission.

The re-assignment process will take time as we work through the data, find space, and offer slots to teams. We will have more information tomorrow.

I apologize again for this. We are working hard to make it right.


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