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Build a better future with FIRST

Help us "to transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders." - Dean Kamen, FIRST Founder

FIRST is the world’s leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. We’re an inclusive, global robotics community working together to prepare young people for the future. Whether it’s finding their people or finding their path, FIRST students gain the skills and confidence to forge ahead and build their future.

Will you support our mission and help make FIRST programs available to every student?


*Please note: 100% of these funds benefit the FIRST Annual Fund and mission as a not-for-profit organization; the donations are unrestricted and cannot be raised for any individual participant or team. Please refer to the FAQ for details on payments to teams and click here for regranting policies. Please support our local FIRST regions – click here to find contact info for our FIRST Program Delivery Partners around the world.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Increase the impact of your donation or volunteer time with a corporate matching gift! 
Many employers will match your financial gifts and volunteer hours. Thanks to the generosity of FIRST corporate supporters, employees have the option of doubling or even tripling their donation through the Matching Gift program. Find out if your employer will match your contribution!

Companies registered through the program use various procedures by which employees can request matching gifts. Contact your employer for details.

Search for your company

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