Warning of Fraudulent Activity

Several suppliers have contacted FIRST with concerns that someone is trying to impersonate our non-profit and fraudulently ordering or renting computer related equipmentThe domain www.first-us.org was created to generate false e-mail addresses and the name John Jones, phone number 603-968-0045, has been used on several e-mail notes and faked documents.  No one by the name of John Jones works at FIRST.  The perpetrator has used the e-mail addresses procurement@first-us.org and acctpayable@first-us.org.  These suppliers have received documentation that mimic actual FIRST documents, including: fraudulent purchase orders with a ship to address in California where FIRST does not have warehouse space; fraudulent Credit reference documents with actual FIRST suppliers and correct banking information; fraudulent e-mail notes from John Jones referring to actual FIRST employees.  If you have been approached by this individual, please contact your local authorities.