A Message about Dr. Woodie Flowers
Oct 12, 2019

Woodie Flowers at the FIRST Championship.
Dear FIRST® community,
With heavy hearts, we share the sad news that Dr. Woodie Flowers has passed away from medical complications. We extend our deepest condolences to Woodie’s wife, Margaret, and all of his loved ones. He will be greatly missed by the entire FIRST community.
Dr. Woodie Flowers was Co-Chair of the FIRST Executive Advisory Board, Distinguished Advisor to FIRST, and Pappalardo Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Soon after Dean founded FIRST, he and Woodie collaborated on the development of the FIRST Robotics Competition. Woodie was also critical to establishing the ethos of FIRST by coining the term Gracious Professionalism® and nurturing its meaning in his every action.
Throughout the 30 years of FIRST, Woodie has been an incredible supporter of our mission, a friend to everyone he met, and an inspiration to our students, alumni, mentors, volunteers, supporters, and staff. Woodie’s legacy will live on indefinitely through the gracious nature of our community and our ongoing commitment to empowering educators and building global citizens. Our Woodie Flowers Award recipients, past and future, will carry on his legacy as mentors who inspire young people through the art and science of engineering and design.
Woodie’s wife, Margaret, has and will continue to be a key part of the FIRST community. She has graciously asked that those wishing to honor Woodie do so through the Woodie Flowers Memorial Fund.
We invite you to share notes of condolences and reflections about Woodie in a comment on this Inspire blog post, on social media using the hashtag #WoodieFlowers, or on the Memorial Fund page. More information will be available in the coming days and weeks on additional opportunities to celebrate Woodie’s life and legacy.
Dean Kamen, Founder, FIRST
Kelly Ortberg, Co-Chair, FIRST Board of Directors
Bob Tuttle, Co-Chair, FIRST Board of Directors
Don Bossi, President, FIRST
Soft spoken but he carried a very big stick.
Being able to say “I got to meet Woodie Flowers” will always be a personal, and a team highlight from the 2019 Inaugural Monterey Bay Regional. I will never forget the look on the kids’ faces as they rolled the robot into the pits and saw who was sitting on a stool in the center of our 9x10 space... it was Woodie! What an amazing human being. In my brief talk with him about mentoring, those personal words we exchanged will resonate with me throughout my life, the sound of his voice indelible. Thank You Woodie! You are loved by so many.
Plus Ultra Robotics, FRC Team 7413
Far too soon
I saw Woody Flowers in the pits at World Championships several times. The first time I spotted him, I started to say hello when he was suddenly surrounded with adoring kids. I saw how excited they were and how genuinely interested, funny and patient he was, and I just couldn't quit smiling. It was better than having met him myself. From then on, when I saw him in the pits I just stood by, waited for the kids to flock to him, and enjoyed the joy. This mom from FRC GreengineerZ 3452 sends heartfelt condolences to all who were lucky enough to know and love him. RIP to a man whose life was very well lived.
Everlasting legacy
Thank you for instilling the values of gracious professionalism that is persistent throughout FIRST and sets this program apart. Your leadership and inspiration will be missed but never forgotten, as you have left an everlasting legacy. My sincere condolences to your wife and family. #WoodieFlowers
Far too soon
I saw Woody Flowers in the pits at World Championships several times. The first time I spotted him, I started to say hello when he was suddenly surrounded with adoring kids. I saw how excited they were and how genuinely interested, funny and patient he was, and I just couldn't quit smiling. It was better than having met him myself. From then on, when I saw him in the pits I just stood by, waited for the kids to flock to him, and enjoyed the joy. This mom from FRC GreengineerZ 3452 sends heartfelt condolences to all who were lucky enough to know and love him. RIP to a man whose life was very well lived.
I will always be grateful to
I will always be grateful to Woodie for the way he inspired both my children and all the kids on their teams. He enriched so many lives, and the young people he inspired will go on to make the world better. Thank you, Woodie.
Blessed to ....
..have gotten to meet Woodie, ...have gotten to hear him speak,...have seen how students looked up to him like a rock star, ...see how my son is the person he is today because of Woodie and FIRST
You will be missed dearest Woodie ... you brought a smile to our faces, cheer to our hearts ... Rest In Peace dear friend of FIRST!
Woodie Flowers
Rest and watch over us, Woodie. We will all miss you.
Ian Paul 910 The Foley Freeze, First Participant since 2017
We miss you Dr. Woodie Flowers
I had the chance to have Lunch with Woodie Flowers at Volunteer lounge in Houston, I got pic with him, thanks Woodie for telling us about Gracious Professionalism, Woodie say Hi to Jack Kamen,Mark Leon and Jim Beck for us
We miss you Dr. Woodie Flowers
I had the chance to have Lunch with Woodie Flowers at Volunteer lounge in Houston, I got pic with him, thanks Woodie for telling us about Gracious Professionalism, Woodie say Hi to Jack Kamen,Mark Leon and Jim Beck for us
Thank you for inspiring
The Legendary Woodie Flowers
I am glad I had the opportunity to tell Woodie in person how his words inspired me, my children and the students I coach and mentor. Who would have thought simple phrases like gracious professionalism and coopertition would have such a major impact both within and outside of FIRST. Concepts that we use in our daily lives and strive to have others do the same. Myself and my kids were very honored to have first met Woodie back at the 2014 FIRST World Championships and the other World Championships that followed. New FRC students were excited to meet the Woody, who we had referred to as the legendary robotics rock star at WPI Battlecry in June of this year. We are all sad in the realization that that will be our last meeting with Woodie but we are grateful for the years that we have gotten to speak to him and take photos with him. Our condolences go out to his wife and his family and friends, the FIRST family of parents, coaches, mentors, and students will greatly miss that wonderful ponytail, converse wearing genius!
I joined FRC last year, and
I joined FRC last year, and was impressed by the amount of good sportsmanship put forward by Woodie and FRC as a whole. He helped make the competitions friendly and welcoming to newcomers. Rest In Peace Woodie.
Miss You
Sad day for the FIRST community.......Dr. Flowers, from 4939 you will be greatly missed and you were an inspiration to a generation of students who, with your kind words had the ability to ask much more of themselves and ask how can they be a change in this world.....thanks sir
Thank You
Thanks for the opportunities, the guidance, and the principles Woodie. Your message and what you stood for meant a lot to myself as a kid and many more. Rest In Peace and much love to yourself and your family
Amazing role model for all
Thank you, Dr Flowers
Legacy that inspires
We simply ADORED Woodue
With a heavy heart, on behalf of myself and my team Flash #3388 we send our sincere condolences to Woodies wife and family.
Woodie was a great man, he was a super hero and genius combined with just the right amount of (Monty Python) craziness.
We all surely will miss him, such a great loss!
What an Inspiration!
You have changed the lives of so many boys and girls and helped them better understand what FIRST is all about. FIRST will Ben completely different without you. You will be missed by all!
Woodie Flowers
Dear Woodie Flowers,
Dear Woodie Flowers,
Thank you for contributing to the mission of FIRST and rallying behind the millions of students and mentors. We will all remember you for what you gave us -- opportunity, excellence, inspiration, and yes, gracious professionalism. I am honored to have a role model like you.
Christopher Yu
RIP Mr.Woodie Flowers
So sad to hear that. You were a beacon of inspiration to the FIRST community and was one of the greatest parts of FRC and FIRST. We will always remember you and will follow your steps in our FIRST journey. Rest in Peace Mr.Woodie Flowers. Respects.
Beyhan Dorduncu
Volunteer Mentor.
thank you
thank you. thank you for inspiring so many people around the world. i was eleven years old when i first heard the term gracious professionalism, and it became the most important phrase i live by. even though i never got to meet you, i'll always be grateful for everything you've done; not only for the community, but for me as well. you've shown us that we can do anything. so thank you for everything woodie flowers. i'll never forget your name.
Will be missed; leaves a wonderful legacy.
Very sad; Dr. Woody Flowers set the tone and laid out the meaning of 'gracious professionalism' that is one of the most attractive attributes of FIRST. He will be missed.
Dear Woodie
The Great Inspiration, Dr Woodie Flowers
How excited I was when Dr Woodie Flowers signed in book at FGC 2018. I felt like I had made it life but really, it was a chance to meet someone who has MADE IT in life...not because of what he has achieved, but because of the number of lives he has changed. It was a great honour for me and I will continue to be inspired by him. He explained FIRST as a competition not for the sake of destroying one another but for the sake of improving and bettering both competitors regardless of the outcome. I got a chance to be improved and a handshake of honour from him is what I can hold on to. We will be forever inspired. #WoodieFlowers
The Great Inspiration, Dr Woodie Flowers
How excited I was when Dr Woodie Flowers signed in book at FGC 2018. I felt like I had made it life but really, it was a chance to meet someone who has MADE IT in life...not because of what he has achieved, but because of the number of lives he has changed. It was a great honour for me and I will continue to be inspired by him. He explained FIRST as a competition not for the sake of destroying one another but for the sake of improving and bettering both competitors regardless of the outcome. I got a chance to be improved and a handshake of honour from him is what I can hold on to. We will be forever inspired. #WoodieFlowers
Will miss you
A passionate life...
I was struck by disbelief when I heard today the news of your passing. I never got the chance to meet you personally but I have watched and listened to you for so many years that it seemed like I already knew you. From the days hosting Scientific American Frontiers and all the way to FIRST appearances, I watched and listened eagerly to a man that was inspiring, gracious, and passionate about what the future holds for countless numbers of students and adults alike. You should be proud of your many accomplishments in this life, and the lives of millions of people that you have touched with your knowledge, words of graciousness, and your professionalism. You have worked hard all your days and now it’s time to rest knowing that others will continue to carry the torch of enlightenment that you created. Rest well Dr. Flowers.
Great Woodie
A passionate life ...
I was struck by disbelief when I heard today the news of your passing. I never got the chance to meet you personally but I have watched and listened to you for so many years that it seemed like I already knew you. From the days hosting Scientific American Frontiers and all the way to FIRST appearances, I watched and listened eagerly to a man that was inspiring, gracious, and passionate about what the future holds for countless numbers of students and adults alike. You should be proud of your many accomplishments in this life, and the lives of millions of people that you have touched with your knowledge, words of graciousness, and your professionalism. You have worked hard all your days and now it’s time to rest knowing that others will continue to carry the torch of enlightenment that you created. Rest well Dr. Flowers.
Inspiration and Recognition
You have left a permanent dent on the universe and changed our lives. Every one of us in FIRST owes it all to you. Thank you for all your hard work, life lessons, gracious professionalism, dedication and mission to change the culture.
I for one will forever be inspired by you, Dr. Woodie Flowers.
Here's a thread from the FIRST community on Chief Delphi: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/woodie-flowers-passed-away/364105
United in Spirit
United in Spirit
A great man
He touched innumerable lives, and in that way, he lives on. Thank you for all that you did, Woodie.
Inspiring the World
Woodie dedicated his life to not just teaching and inspiring students to pursue careers in math and science, he also focused on inspiring us all to be better people. His messages were always inspirational to everyone, both kids and adults. I have so many wonderful memories of my time with Woodie and Margaret. One was I believe in 1997, the third year that we held the championships at EPCOT, and moved into the tent village. For the first time the number of teams had increased to a point that we had to have two simultaneous fields for the competitions, and there was only one Woodie. I was honored to be asked to be the first person besides Woodie to emcee a FIRST competition so that we could each emcee a field. I actually had our costuming department create a wig with a pony-tail, glasses and a nose that I wore when i first went out, but the one thing I could never copy was the real Woodie, with his amazing compassion, insight and way of inspiring the world.
We will miss you but never forget you,
Greg and Melly
your legacy will eventually be "peace" Woodie...
"I do not know how to thank you. Let me try with my deeds." There will be thousands who feel the same way.
your legacy will eventually be "peace" Woodie...
thank you for inspiring so many to become a better version of themselves...
An ICON for the Mission of FIRST
Farewell Dr. Flowers. Your vision and values have literally made the world a much better place. With millions of people to carry your mission forward, your positive impact will be felt for many generations to come.
Rest in Peace, Dr. Flowers
You are alive in us, Woodie!
The number & depth of feeling in these comments shows the amazing legacy that Woodie created. We are heartbroken at losing you from this earth and we are committed to carrying your legacy forward. MIT & the world desperately need the lessons you taught re Gracious Professionalism & what it means to live a meaningful human life. I, for one, am more committed than ever to using my one precious life to continue down the path you showed us, Woddie, and to embody love & joy while doing it, as you so beautifully did.
A meal with Woody
We are the seeds of the Flowers!
Like all flowers, this one has transformed into seeds. Many many many seeds. We are a global force for good, with roots deep and wide bringing the glorious Woodie Flowers to forests & meadows & board rooms & classrooms & street corners & everywhere forever on.
Woodie Flowers News - WFA Group Response
Woodie. Woodie Flowers. A name instantly recognized by FIRST people everywhere. A name that would instantly quiet a crowd when he began to speak. A name that would create an excited fury of activity in the pits when he walked through.
Woodie will always to be a symbol of what is so special about FIRST. He believed in the power of ideas to change society. He believed that reason, compassion, and wisdom make the world a better place.
Woodie coined the term “Gracious Professionalism” and lived it every day. He made FIRST a place we all wanted to be and made sure FIRST maintained a focus on its mission to inspire youth in a safe and ethically strong place. He was never too busy to stop for a conversation with a student.
Dr. William Murphy created the Woodie Flowers Award to honor Woodie for his powerful communication skills and his effectiveness of inspiring young people in the art and science of engineering and design. For several years, the WFA recipients have had the opportunity to work closely with Woodie, through an annual meeting and regular conversation during the year. We have discussed issues, innovations and controversies. We have discussed education, ethics and our impact on the wider FIRST community. We have been there to see Woodie be diplomatic and impassioned about important matters. We have seen him challenge the status quo and drive for change. He has challenged us to push ourselves and our community to address society’s biggest challenges to make the world a better place for all youth.
Like all of you, our hearts are heavy. We struggled to find words to express our thoughts. Many of our messages were “the world feels different”, “no words”, “he has changed the world”, “so sad”, “devastated”, “Woodie has such a huge place in our hearts”, and “we will never be able to quantify his impact”.
Woodie’s legacy lives in all the lives he touched and hearts he uplifted – we are all part of his legacy and our personal challenge is to continue to live into his vision.
When one of us was hurting, Woodie would always send “White Light”. And so now, to you Woodie, we send the Brightest White Light possible.
The Woodie Flowers Award group
Woody was the man
Woodie you will be so deeply missed.
One day I was setting up an MIT seminar, putting out the cookies and coffee. Woodie arrived early and we started talking about the dilemma of environmental destruction in a capitalist society. Woodie was genuinely interested in what I had to say. I was just a staff person. But he asked questions, offered insight. I listened, he listened. It was a small thing, but it was Woodie. He was always teaching, always learning. I feel he was the best of MIT: brilliance, integrity, wisdom, generosity, kindness.
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