Collection all of our most helpful fundraising resources in one place to help your team be successful fundraisers.
Technical resources for teams.
Archive of FIRST® Partnership Emails
Wonder what it's like to attend a FIRST Robotics Competition event? All the details you need are here. If you have questions, please contact us at
Past Winners of the FIRST Impact Award.
The definitions of newly formed teams for FIRST Robotics Competition, including the criteria for recognition and specific incentives.
Information about the FIRST Robotics Competition Dean's List Award, including its history, the advancement process, and past winners.
FIRST Robotics Competition Translated Documentation
Jan. 11 2024Translations of the initial release of the 2023 FIRST Robotics Competition game manual
We want you to have a fun and successful season, so we've compiled all of the resources we think you will need to guide your team. Click on the heart icon to add this page to your library, and check this page often for additional resources.
Team Registration