Introduces new audiences to FIRST LEGO League Explore
Build awareness and understanding of FIRST and stimulate interest with a high-level overview of the organization, our suite of programs, and impact.
Technical Resources
Aug. 29 2023Information about the technology used in FIRST LEGO League.
FIRST LEGO League Explore Volunteer Role Descriptions
Jul. 25 2023Event Volunteer role descriptions for FIRST LEGO League Explore
Everything you need to know about the FIRST Dashboard, starting with how to create your FIRST team.
Sales Tax Information
May. 30 2023Program: FIRST Robotics Competition
Sales tax collection is complex and constantly evolving. FIRST is required to collect and remit sales tax in several U.S. taxing jurisdictions, including a destination sales tax in certain states within the U.S.
Archived 2021 FRC Playing Field content
Videos and real team examples of how to successfully fundraise
Choose FIRST for Your Students highlights the key attributes and outcomes of student engagement in FIRST PreK-12 programs. Learn more about FIRST impact-proven programs and Core Values, demonstrated student gains in workforce skills, and available educator resource