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  1. Kickoff and Q&A

    Some preliminary numbers about FIRST STEAMWORKS! Plus, are you ready for the new Q&A System? It opens on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at Noon Eastern. Details below! ...

    Jamee Luce - 11/11/2020 - 3:03am - 43 comments

  2. Addressing Field and Robot Damage

    This year, a combination of field design, game design, and robot rules has led to a notable increase in damage to both the field and robots due to what would have historically been considered normal and expected game play. ...

    ashley.johnson - 03/28/2024 - 11:17am - 30 comments

  3. G20

    Details about this weekend's event and G20. ...

    Jamee Luce - 04/02/2019 - 1:37pm - 24 comments

  4. A Message about Dr. Woodie Flowers

    Dear FIRST community, It is with a heavy heart we share that Dr. Woodie Flowers has passed away from medical complications. ...

    kplasket - 02/06/2020 - 10:30pm - 160 comments

  5. Season Timeline

    The FIRST Tech Challenge in North America and Mexico is a year-long program, starting with registration in May and ending with the FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship in April. The competition season varies from region to region, but can start as earl ...

    mlucas - 01/18/2024 - 2:14pm